The type of high pressure alloy steel pipe

تاريخ:2017-08-16 رأي:2172
High-pressure alloy steel pipe type can be classified according to its forming technology, construction data and style parameters are not the same.

1, According to forming technology classification
⑴ Hydraulic forming 
High-pressure alloy steel pipe hydraulic forming is the most commonly used high-pressure alloy forming method. Using the liquid pressure in the tube, the tube is stretched in the retaining ring until it is exposed along the ring, and then the tube is compressed to the desired length. Small diameter high pressure alloy tube and more suitable for the use of this method.

⑵ Roll forming 
High-pressure alloy steel pipe roll forming technology is mainly used for processing large-scale high-pressure alloy pipe, is dependent on the tube in the forming round of the roll forming, to single-wave rolling forming, and some equipment can also be a number A ripple.

⑶ Mechanical bulging 
High-pressure alloy steel pipe that is appropriate to use in the tube in the expansion of the tire mold, one by one to expand into a ripple, after the beginning of the forming, and then refined in the outside Kun.

⑷ Welding 
High-pressure alloy steel pipe on the wave height is too large or particularly high-pressure alloy tube, and more suitable for the use of stamping and welding technology. When the wave height exceeds the limit, the data elongation is not allowed to be suitable for the use of collective forming technology, or because of chaotic waveforms, the collective formation is very difficult and more suitable for the use of welding forming. This type of high-pressure alloy tube can not be used as an internal pressure, not suitable for use as an expansion section of the flexible section.

⑸ Silt forming 
High-pressure alloy steel pipe is the use of electro-deposition method will be high-pressure alloy pipe material deposition to the core mold, and then die. This high-pressure alloy pipe material is a very soft pure nickel metal material, and is non-porous, because of this, in order to high vacuum, and the implementation of welding.