Pre-straight Quality of LSAW Steel Pipe

تاريخ:2016-04-05 رأي:2436
Preliminary quality of lsaw steel pipe is including joint quality and welding quality
(1) Commissure (ie molding seam) no wrong side or wrong side is less than the predetermined value, the general provisions of the wrong side of the plate thickness ≤ 8%, the maximum does not exceed 1.5mm.
(2) To ensure that there is proper weld penetration depth and deposition rate, it is necessary to ensure that no cracks after welding, no burn-through phenomenon, but also to control the height of the weld, the external weld reinforcement does not have an impact.
(3) Continuous bead, good shape, in order to facilitate the final outer guarantee welding quality.
(4) There is no weld seam side, pores, cracks, slag, and burn the back of weld defects such as weld center requires deviation ≤1 mm.
(5) No arc burns, small splash, do not affect the pipe end beveling and surface quality.
(6) Weld metal matching the physical and chemical properties of the weld metal to meet quality requirements.